
1.3.1 (2024-03-13)

  • Add Config.ImageServerBlacklist to block specific image servers. See config.demo.lua for more information.

  • Add FAQ to

What must be considered during update?

  • New language keys added (see New since 1.3.1 marks). Please add it to your language file(s).

  • Compare your config.demo.lua with your config.lua to consider new options (see New since 1.3.1 marks).

1.3.0 (2024-03-07)

  • Extend comments of config.demo.lua for more clarity.

  • Add some debug prints to actions.lua because in newer versions of vorp_core sometimes (especially on many players) no char data available if should.

  • Add torn sheet for broken image (e.g. that can no longer be found).

  • Add alternative style of bulletin board. See examples in config.demo.lua with new poster configuration attribute alternative_style.

  • Add new optional "close bulletin board on damage or combat" feature. See Config.HideOnCombatOrDamage in config.demo.lua.

What must be considered during update?

  • New language keys added (see New since 1.3.0 marks). Please add it to your language file(s).

  • Compare your config.demo.lua with your config.lua to consider new options (see New since 1.3.0 marks).

1.2.2 (2024-02-07)

  • Image urls with search params like are now supported, too.

1.2.1 (2024-01-18)

  • Update example map/bulletin_boards_config.lua and add missing group property.

1.2.0 (2023-07-13)

  • Add option to disable creation of text or image posts (globally or per board).

  • Add prev/next buttons to poster details for better navigation.

  • Add "pinboard service". Players can pay a fee to post everywhere at once in a pinboard group.

What must be considered during update?

  • New language keys added (see New since 1.2.0 marks). Please add it to your language file(s).

  • Compare your config.demo.lua with your config.lua to consider new options.

1.1.9 (2023-07-05)

  • Fix jpeg support for images (currently jpg, jpeg, png and webm are supported).

1.1.8 (2023-03-23)

  • Add new required board property group. Restricts "post to all" feature to specific board groups.

  • Add new optional board property restrict_view_by_jobs. Restricts the access to view a board (and blip) to one or more specific jobs.

1.1.7 (2023-03-17)

  • Webhooks can now optionally configured each board.


  • Config.JobRemovePermissions now checks correctly if job grade is equal or higher than the required grade.


  • Add new restrict_create_by_jobs in Config.Posters to restrict the creation of new posters to one or more specific jobs. See config.demo.lua for more information.


  • Remove unnecessary print output.


  • Add optional new config attribute Config.DiscordWebhook.webhook_url_new for only new pinboard notifications.

  • Add optional new config attribute Config.DiscordWebhook.anonymous_new which hides the character name for webhook_url_new notifications. This have no effect to webhook_url notifications.

  • Add optional new config attribute Config.DiscordWebhook.webhook_url_removed for only removed pinboard notifications.

  • Add optional new config attribute Config.DiscordWebhook.anonymous_remover which hides the character name for webhook_url_removed notifications. This have no effect to webhook_url notifications.

  • Change config attribute Config.DiscordWebhook.webhook_url to be optional. It still sends all types of notifications to the same webhook but all authors and removers are not anonymous.

  • Add new translation discord_anonymous_user for anonymous characters for webhook_url_new and webhook_url_removed notifications.

  • Moved changelog from to


  • Add hide_blip property for Config.Posters. If set to true no blip is shown on the map for the related pinboard.


  • Order of text sections are now correct if inserted between two existing sections.


  • Add possibility to pin a new note everywhere at once.

  • Permissions of new feature is configurable for groups and character names (full names).

  • Add new language keys discord_location_everywhere, post_everywhere_at_once, post_everywhere_at_once_every_where and post_everywhere_at_once_only_here.

  • Update discord webhook to show as location "everwhere" if someone uses the new feature.

  • Admins always have the permission to use the new feature.


  • Results of automated processes are shown in discord more clear, e.g. "System" instead of character name.

  • Results of console commands are shown in discord more clear, e.g. "Marti McFly (via Console)".

  • Add Config.DiscordWebhook.system_user_alias to config file, see example in config.demo.lua.

  • Add key discord_console_command to languages.

  • Fix to many linebreaks in poster text.


  • Add sorting for notice order on bulletin boards.


Initial release.

Last updated