
1.1.0 (2023-12-29)

  • Add discord webhook support.

  • Add "dynamic color each player" feature for discord webhook.

  • Add version check on startup, so you never miss an update.

  • Add config.demo.lua file to prevent overwriting your existing config file on update.

  • Add file check for config.lua on startup, so you never forget to create the production config file.

  • Add config validator for config.lua file, so you get help on production config creation.

  • Some performance improvements on event handling between client and server.

What must be considered during update?

  • Compare your config.lua with config.demo.lua (see New since v1.1.0 marks).

  • Install nss_libs (latest version) if not already done.

1.0.0 (2022-10-25)

  • Initial release.

Last updated