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Requirements / Dependencies

The following resources are required for nss_quest to work:


See for more information.

Setup script

  1. Ensure that the nss_quest folder is in your resources folder.

  2. Rename config.demo.lua to config.lua and fill in the values.

  3. Ensure that the quest log item exists (see Setup quest log item)

  4. Execute db.sql on your database.

  5. Add ensure nss_quest to your server.cfg.

  6. Restart your server.

Setup quests

Important: See Quest properties and Quest step properties for more information.

  1. Create a new file with the name of your quest, e.g. my_quest.lua, in quests folder.

  2. Copy the following blueprint code into the file to create the basic quest. Adjust it to your needs.

    local step1 = {
        id = "start", -- Unique quest id, only "a-zA-Z0-9_-" are allowed
        name = "Helping hand...", -- Step name, will be shown in the quest dialog
        btn_text = "Pickup the letter", -- Button text for the prompt
        location = {
            coords = { x = 0, y = 0, z = 0 }, -- Location where the step should be triggered
            radius = 2.0 -- Radius around the location where the step should be triggered
        quest_text = "You found a letter on the floor.\n\n"
                .. "The letter reads:\n\n"
                .. "<em>Dear Sir,\n\n"
                .. "I am in need of your help. I am hungry and I need you to help me.\n\n"
                .. "Please meet me at the bank in Strawberry and bring 3 red berries.</em>\n\n",
        -- Blips are optional, if you don't want a blib, remove the whole section.
        blip = {
            color = 'BLIP_MODIFIER_PICKUP_WEAPON_RARE', -- See for blip colors.
            title = "Strange footsteps",
            icon = "blip_ambient_king", -- See or for blip icons.
        -- Rewards are optional, if you don't want rewards, remove the complete section.
        rewards = { -- In this case the rewards is used to give quest item
            items = {
                { name = "quest_letter", count = 1 }, -- Ensure that the item exists in your database
    local step2 = {
        id = "end", -- Important: Do not use the same id as in step1. Ids must be unique.
        name = "Your letter...",
        btn_text = "Deliver red berries",
        location = {
            coords = { x = 0, y = 0, z = 0 },
            radius = 2.0
        quest_text = "You deliver the letter and the red berries to an old man.\n\n"
                .. "He says:\n\n"
                .. "<em>Thank you Sir,\n\n"
                .. "The red berries are delicious. Here is a little something from me.</em>\n\n",
        -- Requirements are optional, if you don't want requirements, remove the complete section.
        requires = { -- In this case we require the player to have the quest item from previous step and 3 red berries
            items = {
                    name = "quest_letter",
                    count = 1,
                    remove = true -- Remove the item from the player inventory if the step is completed 
                    name = "red_berries",
                    count = 3,
                    remove = true-- Remove the item from the player inventory if the step is completed 
        -- Rewards are optional, if you don't want rewards, remove the complete section.
        rewards = {
            items = {
                { name = "coal", count = 1 }, -- Gives the player 1 coal if the step is completed
            money = {
                amount = 5, -- Gives the player 5$ in cash if the step is completed
    MyQuest = { -- Do not use "local MyQuest" because the variable should be accessible in the config file. 
        id = "my_quest", -- Unique quest id, only "a-zA-Z0-9_-" are allowed
        name = "My Quest", -- Quest name, will be shown in the prompt
        max_solves = 1, -- How many times can the quest be solved, 0 = infinity
        steps = { step1, step2 } -- The steps of the quest
  3. Go into config.lua file and add your new quest MyQuest to the Config.Quests table.

    -- Example for only one quest
    Config.Quests = { MyQuest }
    -- Example for more quests
    Config.Quests = {
  4. Restart your server and test your quest. Tip: You can use refresh in the console to reload the resources without restarting the server. And after that use restart nss_quest to reload the quest data.

Setup quest log item

New since version 1.2.0.

  1. Add quest log item (see example below) to your inventory database:

    INSERT INTO ingame01.items (item, label, `limit`, can_remove, type, usable, `desc`, metadata)
    VALUES ('YOUR_QUEST_LOG_ITEM_NAME', 'Questlog', 1, 0, 'item_standard', 1, '', '{}');

    Important: Item should be configured as non-removable, usable and with a limit of 1.

  2. Add YOUR_QUEST_LOG_ITEM_NAME to Config.QuestLogItemName property in the config file.

  3. Copy html_quest/img/quest_log_item.png to vorp_inventory/html/img/items/YOUR_QUEST_LOG_ITEM_NAME.png (or use your own image).

  4. Note: YOUR_QUEST_LOG_ITEM_NAME is a placeholder, you can choose any name you want.

Known issues / bugs

No known issues/bugs at the moment.


Can I give weapons to the player as reward?

Yes (since version 1.3.0), see the rewards section in the Quest step properties for more information.

How many steps can a quest have?


How many quests can be configured?


What means "optional" for attributes?

If an attribute like blip, requirements, markers or rewards is optional, it means that you can leave out the complete attribute section or set the attribute to nil if you don't want to use it.

Example with blip:

local demo_step = {
    id = "demo_start_id",
    name = "Demo step name",
    btn_text = "Demo button text",

    location = {
        coords = { x = 0, y = 0, z = 0 },
        radius = 2.0

    quest_text = "Some demo quest text",

    blip = {
        color = 'BLIP_MODIFIER_PICKUP_WEAPON_RARE', -- See for blip colors.
        title = "Strange footsteps",
        icon = "blip_ambient_king", -- See or for blip icons.

Example without blip:

local demo_step = {
    id = "demo_start_id",
    name = "Demo step name",
    btn_text = "Demo button text",

    location = {
        coords = { x = 0, y = 0, z = 0 },
        radius = 2.0

    quest_text = "Some demo quest text",

Another example without blip:

local demo_step = {
    id = "demo_start_id",
    name = "Demo step name",
    btn_text = "Demo button text",

    location = {
        coords = { x = 0, y = 0, z = 0 },
        radius = 2.0

    quest_text = "Some demo quest text",

    blip = nil, -- This is the same as leaving out the complete blip section

Type definitions


A table is a collection of values or key-value pairs. In this script we use key-value pairs as tables.

Note: Tables are often named as objects (or confusing as lists).


local mey_table = {
    key1 = "value1",
    key2 = true,
    key3 = 99

print(mey_table.key1) -- Output: value1
print(mey_table.key2) -- Output: true
print(mey_table.key3) -- Output: 99


A list is a collection of values.


local my_list_of_strings = { "value1", "value2", "value3" }
print(json.encode(my_list_of_strings)) -- Output: ["value1","value2","value3"]

local my_list_of_numbers = { 1, 2, 3 }
print(json.encode(my_list_of_numbers)) -- Output: [1,2,3]

local object_1 = { key1 = "value1" }
local object_2 = { key2 = "value2" }
local my_list_of_objects = { object_1, object_2 }
print(json.encode(my_list_of_objects)) -- Output: [{"key1":"value1"},{"key2":"value2"}]


A string is a sequence of characters wrapped by double or single quotes. In this script we often use strings for texts.

Example for a string:

local my_string = "Hello World!"

print(my_string) -- Output: Hello World!


A boolean is a logical value. In this script we often use booleans for true/false checks.

Example for a boolean:

local my_boolean = true
print(my_boolean) -- Output: true

local my_other_boolean = false
print(my_other_boolean) -- Output: false


A number is a numeric value. In this script we often use numbers for coordinates, radius, amount, etc.

Example for a number:

local my_number = 99 -- This is a number as integer (most common)
print(my_number) -- Output: 99

local my_floated_number = 99.99 -- This is a number as float
print(my_floated_number) -- Output: 99.99


A function is a block of code that can be called by name. In this script we often use functions for callbacks.

Example for a simple named function:

local my_function = function(from_person)
    print("Hello from my function! Sincerely yours " .. from_person)

my_function('systemNEO') -- Output: Hello from my function! Sincerely yours systemNEO

Example for usage of a function as callback:

local demo_step = {
    id = "demo_start_id",
    name = "Demo step name",
    btn_text = "Demo button text",

    location = {
        coords = { x = 0, y = 0, z = 0 },
        radius = 2.0

    quest_text = "Some demo quest text",

    callback = function(_source, step, char)
        print("Hello from my function!", json.encode(char))

Last updated

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