
1.6.3 (2024-07-03)

  • Add optional command to open the quest log. So you can use this command as alternative to the quest log item, e.g. in the nss_emotes script.

  • The quest log item to open the quest log is now optional if you use the command to open the quest log.

  • The quest log item and command can be used together.

What must be considered during update?

  • Update options in config.lua (see New since 1.6.3 marks in config.demo.lua).

1.6.2 (2024-04-15)

  • Fix nil pointer exception in getCharData method.

  • Add listener for job changes to update job restrictions/blacklists.

  • If a quest is not available after job change it will be still shown in quest log but with a hint that it is not available for the current job or job grade. Those quests are not clickable.

What must be considered during update?

  • Update nss_libs to version 0.33.0 or higher.

  • Update translations and options in config.lua (see New since 1.6.2 marks in config.demo.lua).

1.6.1 (2024-03-02)

  • Remove unnecessary prints.

  • Fix issues with prompt restrictions.

  • Allow quest prompts in water.

What must be considered during update?

  • Update nss_libs to version 0.30.0 or higher.

1.6.0 (2024-03-01)

  • Add time windows for quests. See quests/quest_demo.lua for an example and at in_game_time_windows for more information.

  • Documentation of the properties of quests and quest steps moved to separate files. See and

What must be considered during update?

  • Update translations and options in config.lua (see New since 1.6.0 marks in config.demo.lua).

1.5.0 (2024-02-26)

  • Add blacklisted jobs that are not allowed to use the related quests. See quests/quest_demo.lua for an example and for more information.

  • Extend the documentation ( to make it more clear.

What must be considered during update?

  • Nothing.

1.4.0 (2024-02-23)

  • Add jobs as requirement for quests. See quests/quest_demo.lua for an example and for more information.

What must be considered during update?

  • Update nss_libs to version 0.29.0 or higher.

1.3.0 (2023-12-11)

  • Add gold as reward/requirement type.

  • Add weapons as reward type.

  • Fix requirements check for money.

What must be considered during update?

  • Compare your config.lua with config.demo.lua (see new since 1.3.0 marks).

  • Update nss_libs to version 0.28.0 or higher.

1.2.1 (2023-10-28)

  • Add optional quest property show_previous_step_in_quest_log. See quests/quest_demo.lua for an example and for more information.

  • Add a delay to wait for vorp inventory to be loaded. Delay can be changed in config via Config.CheckInventoryAfterCharSelectedDelayInSeconds. Default is 10 seconds.

  • Ensure that only one quest log item is in the inventory on char loaded (duplicates will now be removed automatically).

What must be considered during update?

  • Compare your config.lua with config.demo.lua (see new since 1.2.1 marks).

1.2.0 (2023-08-03)

  • Add optional marker for quest steps. See quests/quest_demo.lua for an example.

  • Add optional blip for quest steps. See quests/quest_demo.lua for an example.

  • Add optional radius blip for quest steps. See quests/quest_demo.lua for an example.

  • Switch from hardcoded prompts to nss_libs prompts.

  • Add configuration validation (it tells you if something is wrong in the config and/or quests).

  • Add config file existence check (it tells you if config file does not exist).

  • Add quest log.

What must be considered during update?

  • Update nss_libs to version 0.26.0 or higher.

  • Create quest log inventory item, see Setup quest log item.

  • Update translations and options in config.lua (see New since 1.2.0 marks in config.demo.lua).


  • Remove unnecessary event variable.

  • Quests with only one step each now store the number of completions correctly in the database, so that max_solved is considered correctly.


  • Add "daily quests" to the quest system

  • Remove unnecessary QuestLoadingIndicator.css from index.html.

  • Move some sensitive config vars to internal_cfg.lua.


  • Important: nss_libs version 0.17.0 or higher is required.

  • Switch to nss_libs NssButton ui component.

  • Move loading indicator to nss_libs NssLoadingIndicator ui component.

  • Add "Quest completed" sound.

  • Fix ERR_FAILED on NUI requests.


  • Code refactoring.

  • Move changelog from to


  • Switch to nss_libs NssConfirm ui component.

  • Remove dev files for local browser testing.

1.0.11 / 1.0.12

  • Internal improvements based on nss_libs changes.


  • Update demo files.


  • Use item images from nss_libs item api.


  • Use new nss_libs point-in-range api.


  • Use new nss_libs character api.

  • Prepare item images for future use.


  • Use new nss_libs inventory api.

  • Add some typedefs.

  • Add new "callback" function if a quest step gets done.


  • Use new nss_libs DB api.


  • Switch to new nss_libs ui api instead of including the needed files directly.


  • Add version check.

  • Add nss_libs ui modules as dependencies.


  • Prevent nil pointer exception in method getVorpCharData for characters without lastname.


  • Create

  • Consider optional server event vorp:SelectedCharacter to update the char and quest data on player selection.

  • Add item labels as hover to requirements/rewards icon table.


  • Initial release.

Last updated