
Easy to create Non-Player-Character (NPC) for your REDM resource.


-- Step 1: Get API

---@type NssLibsNpcApi
local npc_api = exports.nss_libs:getNpcApi(GetCurrentResourceName())

-- Step 2: Create NPC object

local model_name = 'S_M_M_NBXRIVERBOATDEALERS_01'
local outfit = 0 -- nil/false = random outfit
local x = 0
local y = 0
local z = 0
local heading = 180

---@type NssLibsNpcEntityApi
local npc = npc_api.create(model_name, x, y, z, heading, outfit)

-- Step 3: Configure NPC object

        10000, -- delay/duration until next animation
        true, -- looping
        1, -- times to play
        npc.ANIMATE_ONLY_UPPER_BODY) -- animate only upper body
        3000, -- delay/duration until next animation
        false, -- no looping
        3, -- play 3 times with a delay of 3000ms
        npc.ANIMATE_FULL_BODY) -- animate full body
   .addTimeWindow(8, 0, 12, 0) -- visible from 8:00 to 12:00 in-game-time
   .addTimeWindow(14, 0, 20, 0) -- visible from 14:00 to 20:00 in-game-time

-- Step 4: Show NPC

-- With performance mode to prevent too much entities
local spawn_radius = 20 -- in meters

-- Without performance mode



Returns the NPC api NssLibsNpcApi for the given resource.

  • resource_name (string) - The name of the resource that wants to use the API.


.create(model, x, y, z, heading, outfit)

Returns a NPC entity api NssLibsNpcEntityApi.

  • model (string) - The model of the NPC entity.

  • x (number) - The x position of the NPC entity.

  • y (number) - The y position of the NPC entity.

  • z (number) - The z position of the NPC entity.

  • heading (number) - The heading of the NPC entity.

  • outfit (optional, number) - The outfit of the NPC entity. If nil or false, a random outfit will be used.



Returns the NPC entity or nil if the entity is not created.


Removes the NPC entity and all related distance checks.


Shows the NPC entity.

Returns NssLibsNpcEntityApi.


Hides the NPC entity.

Returns NssLibsNpcEntityApi.

.setCoords(x, y, z, heading)

Sets the coordinates of the NPC entity.

  • x (number) - The x position of the NPC entity.

  • y (number) - The y position of the NPC entity.

  • z (number) - The z position of the NPC entity.

  • heading (number) - The heading of the NPC entity.

Returns NssLibsNpcEntityApi.

.setModel(model, outfit)

Sets the model of the NPC entity.

  • model (string) - The model of the NPC entity.

  • outfit (optional, number) - The outfit of the NPC entity. If nil or false, a random outfit will be used.

See model documentation for a list of models.

Returns NssLibsNpcEntityApi.


Sets the outfit of the NPC entity.

  • outfit (number/nil) - The outfit of the NPC entity. If nil or false, a random outfit will be used.

Returns NssLibsNpcEntityApi.


Sets the spawn radius of the NPC entity.

  • radius (number) - The spawn radius of the NPC entity.

Returns NssLibsNpcEntityApi.


Sets the scale of the NPC entity.

  • scale (float) - The scale of the NPC entity.

Returns NssLibsNpcEntityApi.


Sets the scenario of the NPC entity.

  • scenario (string) - The scenario of the NPC entity.

See scenario documentation for a list of scenarios.

Returns NssLibsNpcEntityApi.


Sets the weapon of the NPC entity.

  • weapon (string) - The weapon of the NPC entity.

See weapons documentation for a list of weapons.

Returns NssLibsNpcEntityApi.


Resets the animations of the NPC entity.

Returns NssLibsNpcEntityApi.

.addAnimation(anim_dict, anim_name, delay_in_ms, only_upper_body)

Sets the animation of the NPC entity.

  • anim_dict (string) - The animation dictionary of the NPC entity.

  • anim_name (string) - The animation name of the NPC entity.

  • delay_in_ms (number) - The delay until next animation.

  • loop (boolean) - If true, the animation will be looped.

  • times (number) - The number of times the animation will be played.

  • only_upper_body (boolean) - If true, only the upper body will be animated.

See the following links for a list of animations:

Returns NssLibsNpcEntityApi.

.addTimeWindow(start_hour, start_minute, end_hour, end_minute)

Adds a time window to the NPC entity. If the time is in the given time window, the NPC entity will be shown.

  • start_hour (number) - The start hour of the time window.

  • start_minute (number) - The start minute of the time window.

  • end_hour (number) - The end hour of the time window.

  • end_minute (number) - The end minute of the time window.

Returns NssLibsNpcEntityApi.


Starts a range check for the NPC entity. If the player enters the given radius, the NPC entity will be shown. If the player leaves the given radius, the NPC entity will be hidden.

  • radius (optional, number) - The radius in meters. If not set default radius will be used.

Returns NssLibsNpcEntityApi.


Updates the NPC entity (destroys and recreate it).

Returns NssLibsNpcEntityApi.


Returns true if the NPC entity has at least one time window.


Returns true if the NPC entity is in a time window or has no time windows.


Sets the callback function which will be called when the NPC entity is shown.

  • callback (function) - The callback function.

Returns NssLibsNpcEntityApi.


Sets the callback function which will be called when the NPC entity is hidden.

  • callback (function) - The callback function.

Returns NssLibsNpcEntityApi.


Sets the callback function which will be called when the NPC entity enters a time window.

  • callback (function) - The callback function.

Returns NssLibsNpcEntityApi.


Sets the callback function which will be called when the NPC entity leaves a time window.

  • callback (function) - The callback function.

Returns NssLibsNpcEntityApi.


Disables the place on ground feature of the NPC entity.

Useful if your NPC stuck in the ground after spawning (most case in custom buildings).

Returns NssLibsNpcEntityApi.


Enables the place on ground feature of the NPC entity.

This is the default behavior.

Returns NssLibsNpcEntityApi.

Last updated