
The config validator interface helps you to easily validate your config files by given rule sets.



-- A demo config
local demo_config = {
    Title = 'Demo Config',
    Description = 'This is a demo config.',
    DemoCount = 12,
    DemoMoney = 100.10,
    DemoObject = {
        a = 1,
        b = 2,
    DemoList = {
    DemoItem = 'coal',
    DemoRadius = 10.2,
    DemoObjectWithChildren = {
            a = 1,
            b = 2,
            a = 1,
            b = 2,
            a = 1,
            b = 2,

-- A demo rule set
---@type NssLibsServerConfigValidatorRuleSet
local demo_rule_set = {

    demo_object_rule = {
        type = 'table',
        required = true,
        contains = {
            a = {
                type = 'integer',
                required = true,
            b = {
                type = 'integer',
                required = true,

    config_rule = {

        Title = {
            type = 'string',
            required = true,
            custom_validation = function(value, rule, error_cb)

                if not value and value ~= 'SOMETHING' then
                    error_cb('The value does not contain something.')
                    return false

                return true

        Description = {
            type = 'string',
            required = true,

        DemoCount = {
            type = 'integer',
            required = true,

        DemoMoney = {
            type = 'number',
            required = true,

        DemoObject = {
            type = 'table',
            required = true,
            contains = 'demo_object_rule',

        DemoList = {
            type = 'table',
            required = true,
            array = true,

        DemoItem = {
            type = 'item',
            required = true,

        DemoRadius = {
            type = 'float',
            required = true,

        DemoObjectWithChildren = {
            type = 'table',
            required = true,
            array = true,
            contains = 'demo_object_rule',

-- Getting the api
---@type NssLibsServerConfigValidatorApi
local config_validator_api = exports.nss_libs:getConfigValidatorApi(GetCurrentResourceName())

-- Creating an instance
---@type NssLibsServerConfigValidatorInstanceApi
local config_validator_api_instance = config_validator_api.create(demo_rule_set)

-- Name of the starting value
local path = 'Config'

local result = config_validator_api_instance:isValid(

print('Result', result)

Public interface methods (NssLibsServerConfigValidatorApi)


Creates a resource related instance of its api NssLibsServerConfigValidatorInstanceApi.

  • rule_set (NssLibsServerConfigValidatorRuleSet) - The rule set for the validator.

Returns NssLibsServerConfigValidatorInstanceApi on success otherwise nil on invalid rule set.

Public interface methods (NssLibsServerConfigValidatorApi)

.isValid(value, rule, path)

Checks the given value (recursive) by the given starting rule and returns true if the value is valid.

  • value (any) - The value to check.

  • rule (NssLibsServerConfigValidatorRule) - The (starting) rule to be applied to the value.

  • path (string) - The path to the value (used for error messages), e.g. the name of the value.

Returns boolean.


Destroys the instance of the NssLibsServerConfigValidatorApi api.

Returns nothing.

Rules in details

Basic rule object

local rule = {
    -- Optional if `contains` references to another rule name otherwise required.
    -- Possible values:
    -- string - Checks for valid string type.
    -- integer - Checks for valid integer type, e.g. 1 (not 1.0)
    -- float - Checks for valid float type, e.g. 1.0 (not 1)
    -- number - Checks for valid number type, e.g. 1 or 1.0
    -- boolean - Checks for valid boolean type, e.g. true or false
    -- table - Checks for valid table type.
    -- item - Checks if item is a string and exists in database
    -- weapon - Checks if weapon is a string and exists.
    -- function - Checks for valid function type.
    type = 'string',

    -- Optional, works only with `type` set to number, integer and float.
    -- If set checks if the value is greater or equal to the given value.
    min = 1,
    -- Optional, works only with `type` set to number, integer and float.
    -- If set checks if the value is less or equal to the given value.
    max = 2,
    -- Optional, if set checks if the value is not nil and set to its related `type`.
    required = true,

    -- Optional, if set and the required check fails the validator will use the given message.
    required_message = 'The value is required.',

    -- Optional, if `true` the validator try to walk the related value as an array.
    -- Can not be used together with `associative_array`.
    -- Needs `type` set to `table`.
    array = true,

    -- Optional, if `true` the validator try to walk the related value as an associative array.
    -- Can not be used together with `array`.
    -- Needs `type` set to `table`.
    associative_array = true,
    -- Optional.
    -- Only usable if `array` is set to `true` and the items of the array are tables with the related property name.
    -- Shows the content of the property of the array item in the error message instead of the array index.
    -- Helps to identify the error in the config file.
    -- Optional, has two different use cases:
    -- If you it as string with the name of another rule, the validator will apply the named rule to the value, too.
    -- If the `type`of the rule is `table` and `array` is set to `true` the validator will apply the named rule to each item of the array.
    -- This is useful if a rule is applicable to multiple properties and defined only once for reusability.
    contains = 'NAME_OF_ANOTHER_RULE',

    -- If the `type` of the rule is `table` and `array` is set to `false` the validator will apply the rules to its related
    -- named properties.
    -- You can nest the rules as deep as you want.
    contains = {
        PROPERTY_NAME = {
            -- Rule object
            -- Rule object

    -- "OR" RULES
    -- A list of named rules and/or property rules.
    -- If one of the rules validates positive the related value is valid.

    -- Optional.
    -- The linked property name(s) that have to be set if the value is set.
    -- Works only on the same level of the rule object.
    linked_with_properties = 'PROPERTY_NAME',
    linked_with_properties = { 'PROPERTY_NAME_A', 'PROPERTY_NAME_B' },

    -- Optional.
    -- The property name(s) of properties that has to be lower as the current value.
    -- E.g. if the current value is 10 and the `higher_as_number_properties` properties has to be lower as 10.
    -- Works only on the same level of the rule object.
    higher_as_number_properties = 'PROPERTY_NAME',
    higher_as_number_properties = { 'PROPERTY_NAME_A', 'PROPERTY_NAME_B' },

    -- Optional.
    -- The property name(s) of properties that has to be lower or equal as the current value.
    -- E.g. if the current value is 10 and the `higher_or_equal_as_number_properties` properties has to be lower as or equal 10.
    -- Works only on the same level of the rule object.
    higher_or_equal_as_number_properties = 'PROPERTY_NAME',
    higher_or_equal_as_number_properties = { 'PROPERTY_NAME_A', 'PROPERTY_NAME_B' },
    -- Optional.
    -- If set the validator will call the given function with the `value`, the `rule` and an error message callback 
    -- function as arguments.
    -- The validator expects a boolean as return value. If the function returns `false` the validator marks the value 
    -- as invalid.
    custom_validation = function(value, rule, error_cb, parent_rule)

        if not value and value ~= 'SOMETHING' then
            error_cb('The value does not contain something.')
            return false

        return true

    -- Optional.
    -- If set to true the validator checks if there is no property. This helps to prevent the usage of old properties. 
    does_not_exists = true,
    -- Optional.
    -- If set this callback is called before the rule is applied to the value. So it is possible to change the rule
    -- before the validation starts the related value.
    pre_check_rule = function(value, rule, parent_rule)

        if value.type == "money" then
            rule.contains.min.type = 'number'
            rule.contains.max.type = 'number'
            rule.contains.item.required = false
            rule.contains.item.does_not_exists = true

        if value.type == "item" then
            rule.contains.min.type = 'integer'
            rule.contains.max.type = 'integer'
            rule.contains.item.does_not_exists = false

        return rule

Dev notes

  • Nothing ;)

Last updated

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