
The chunk interface helps you to create you own chunk based systems with high performance.

Important: If you are looking for a ready to use "get the nearest point in range" system, please use the PointInRange module.

Example: consider all entered locations

  • If the player steps into that location the on_enter callback is called.

  • If the player leaves that location the on_leave callback is called.

  • If there are more than one location at the same coordinates (or overlapping radius) all callbacks of the related locations are called (see chunk_api.setModeAllEntered()).

---@type NssLibsChunksApi
local chunks_api = exports.nss_libs:getChunksApi(GetCurrentResourceName())

---@type NssLibsChunkApi
local chunk_api = chunks_api.create()


local a_on_enter = function(chunk_item_id)
    print('Entered radius A', chunk_item_id)
    -- Do something

local a_on_leave = function(chunk_item_id)
    print('Left radius A', chunk_item_id)
    -- Do something

local a_x = 0
local a_y = 0
local a_z = 0
local a_radius = 10

chunk_api.add(a_x, a_y, a_z, a_radius, a_on_enter, a_on_leave)

local b_on_enter = function(chunk_item_id)
    print('Entered radius B', chunk_item_id)
    -- Do something

local b_on_leave = function(chunk_item_id)
    print('Left radius V', chunk_item_id)
    -- Do something

local b_x = 2
local b_y = 2
local b_z = 0
local b_radius = 10

chunk_api.add(b_x, b_y, b_z, b_radius, b_on_enter, b_on_leave)

Example: Only nearest location

  • Like the example before but only that location nearest to the player will be called ( see chunk_api.setModeOnlyEnteredNearest()).

---@type NssLibsChunksApi
local chunks_api = exports.nss_libs:getChunksApi(GetCurrentResourceName())

---@type NssLibsChunkApi
local chunk_api = chunks_api.create()


local a_on_enter = function(chunk_item_id)
    print('Entered radius A', chunk_item_id)
    -- Do something

local a_on_leave = function(chunk_item_id)
    print('Left radius A', chunk_item_id)
    -- Do something

local a_x = 0
local a_y = 0
local a_z = 0
local a_radius = 10

chunk_api.add(a_x, a_y, a_z, a_radius, a_on_enter, a_on_leave)

local b_on_enter = function(chunk_item_id)
    print('Entered radius B', chunk_item_id)
    -- Do something

local b_on_leave = function(chunk_item_id)
    print('Left radius V', chunk_item_id)
    -- Do something

local b_x = 2
local b_y = 2
local b_z = 0
local b_radius = 10

chunk_api.add(b_x, b_y, b_z, b_radius, b_on_enter, b_on_leave)

Public interface methods (NssLibsChunksApi)


Creates a chunk grid and return its api NssLibsChunkApi.

Note: Be careful with grids, the more grids there are, the more performance it will need.


Clear all chunk grids of the resource.

Returns NssLibsChunksApi.

Public methods of NssLibsChunkApi


Sets the grid size in meters.

  • size_in_meters (number) - The size of the grid in meters. The default is 5.

Returns NssLibsChunkApi.


Sets the monitoring interval in milliseconds.

  • interval_in_ms (number) - The interval in milliseconds. The default is 1000. 0 means each frame.

Returns NssLibsChunkApi.


All locations entered by the player will be called. E.g. you have two locations near besides to each other all locations will be called if the player steps into both location radius.

Returns NssLibsChunkApi.


Only the location nearest to the player will be called. E.g. you have two locations near besides to each other the nearest one will be called if the player steps into both location radius.

Returns NssLibsChunkApi.

.add(x, y, z, radius, on_enter_cb, on_leave_cb)

Adds a location to the chunk grid.

  • x (number) - The x coordinate of the location.

  • y (number) - The y coordinate of the location.

  • z (number) - The z coordinate of the location.

  • radius (number) - The radius of the location.

  • on_enter_cb (function(location_id string)) - The callback function which is called if the player steps into the location.

  • on_leave_cb (function(location_id string)) - The callback function which is called if the player steps out of the location or on nearest mode if another location is nearer.

Returns NssLibsChunkItemApi.


Removes a location from the chunk grid.

  • location_id (string) - The location id which was returned by the add method.

Returns NssLibsChunkApi.


Clears (removes) all locations from the chunk grid.

Returns NssLibsChunkApi.

Public methods of NssLibsChunkItemApi


Returns the location id.


Remove the location from the chunk grid.

Returns nothing.

Dev notes

  • Currently, nothing ;)

Last updated

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