
This ui component is used to communicate between the browser user interface (NUI) and the game client.

NUI Usage

ES6 module import

For NssUiApi usage, please see the README.md of the nss_libs/ui folder.

Alternative example of direct ES6 module import:

import {NssClient} from "nui://nss_libs/ui/NssClient/NssClient.js";

Create instance

 * @type {NssClient}
const nss_client = new NssClient('YOUR_RESOURCE_NAME');

Ensure that the resource name is the identical and correct name of your resource folder because it is used for paths.

Send simple message

 * @type {NssClient}
const nss_client = new NssClient('YOUR_RESOURCE_NAME');

const request_data = {
    // Your data here...
    example: "Hello World!"

nss_client.post('EVENT_NAME', request_data);

Send message with callback

 * @type {NssClient}
const nss_client = new NssClient('YOUR_RESOURCE_NAME');

const request_data = {
    // Your data here...
    example: "Hello World!"

 * @param {NssClientMessageResponse} response_data
const response_callback = (response_data) => {
    // Do your stuff here...

nss_client.post('EVENT_NAME', request_data, response_callback);

request_data will be automatically extended with property response_event_type. You must have to response directly to the request. Use the response_event_type as value of type of response_data. This ensures the response is linked to the related request callback.

Listen to client messages

 * @type {NssClient}
const nss_client = new NssClient('YOUR_RESOURCE_NAME');

nss_client.on('EVENT_NAME', (request_data) => {
    // Do your stuff here...

Only one callback is allowed per event type. If you want to add more callbacks, you have to add a wrapper callback that manage the different callbacks.

Standard close message

 * @type {NssClient}
const nss_client = new NssClient('YOUR_RESOURCE_NAME');


This will send a message to the client with the event name close. Often used to close the NUI by the client.

Use mock for local development

Import the NssClient as shown above and use the following code to use the mock instead of the real client.

 * @type {NssClientMock}
const nss_client = await NssClient.mockFactory('YOUR_RESOURCE_NAME');

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Case A: Simulate an event triggered in LUA client
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

nss_client.simulateClientToNuiEvent('EVENT_NAME', {example: "Hello World!"});

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Case B: Catches post calls from and simulates a response (like a server or 
// LUA client).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

 * @type {NssClientMock~simulatePostResponseCallback}
const simulated_server_response_cb = (request_data) => {

    // Do your stuff here...
    // Just an example
    if (request_data.do_it !== true) {
        console.error('Invalid request data!');
        return { done_it: false };

    return { done_it: true };

const simulated_response_time_in_ms = 3000;


// Do a post and check if the simulated response is called
const request_data = {do_it: true};

const response_cb = (response_data) => {
    console.log('Response data:', response_data.done_it);

nss_client.post('EVENT_NAME', request_data, response_cb);

Client Usage

---@param event_name string
---@param callback fun(request: NssClientRequest):NssClientResponse
local register_nui_callback_wrapper = function(event_name, callback)
    RegisterNUICallback(event_name, callback)

---@param response NssClientResponse
local send_nui_message_wrapper = function(response)

---@type NssClientApi
NUI_CLIENT = exports.nss_libs:getNssClientApi(register_nui_callback_wrapper, send_nui_message_wrapper)

---@param request NssClientRequest
NUI_CLIENT.on('EVENT_NAME', function(request)

    -- Do something with request here ...

    return { success = true }

-- Example Send message to NUI
local response_data = {
    y = 'Sample Data',

NUI_CLIENT.send('EVENT_NAME', response_data)


register_nui_callback_wrapper and send_nui_message_wrapper are wrappers for the native functions RegisterNUICallback and SendNUIMessage. You have to provide these functions to the getNssClientApi form your resource. Because the resource where it is declared is responsible for the communication between the NUI and the game client.

Last updated

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