
The component provides a solution for responsive design.

The component sets the font-size of the html element based on the screen width. The font-size is set to 100% for a screen width of 1920px. With 100% the size 1rem represents 16px. The font-size is calculated linear. As higher the screen width as higher the font-size will be and vice versa.

The component provides CSS properties like --1rpx which automatically rescaling with the font-size of the html element.

So if you style a div element with a width of 600px in 1920px screen width then you can use --1rpx to set the width dynamically, like this:

div {
    width: calc(600 * var(--1rpx));

If the screen solution changes to 1280px then the font-size of the html element will be 75% and the width of the div will be smaller.

For fonts please use the rem unit. The rem unit is relative to the font-size of the html element. Additionally you can use the --1rpx property to scale the font size dynamically if you want to use pixel values.

Why not use percanetages?

The problem with percentages is that they are relative to the parent element. So if you have a parent element with a width of 100% and a child element with a width of 50% then the child element will have a width of 50% of the parent element. But if the parent element has a width of 50% and the child element has a width of 50% then the child element will have a width of 25% of the parent element.

For a second case it is difficult to calculate the width of an element in percentage if you have to adapt a design by pixels.

The third case is that font sizes automatically rescaling with the screen width with that solution.


All NssLibs components are designed to work with the NssResponsive component. So if you use a component from the nss_libs/ui folder then the components will automatically initialize the NssResponsive component.

How to use

ES6 module import

For NssUiApi usage, please see the README.md of the nss_libs/ui folder.

Alternative example of direct ES6 module import:

import {NssResponsive} from "nui://nss_libs/ui/NssResponsive/NssResponsive.js";

Enable responsive design

import {NssResponsive} from "nui://nss_libs/ui/NssResponsive/NssResponsive.js";

new NssResponsive();

That's it. Now the font-size of the html element will be set automatically by the screen width.

Fonts support

Work with the rem unit for fonts. The rem unit is relative to the font-size of the html element.

.your_element {
    font-size: 1rem;
    font-family: rdr_crock, sans-serif;

Currently available fonts:

  • rdr_crock

  • rdr

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