
This is a library for executing database queries.



-- Getting the API
---@type NssLibsDatabase
DB = exports.nss_libs:getDatabase()

-- Async example
-- The query does not block the thread/script.
local query_a = 'SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = @id' -- @id is the placeholder for the parameter id.

local params_a = {
  id = 1

local on_result_a = function(result)
  print('Async Result', table.unpack(result))

DB:asyncQuery(query_a, params_a, on_result_a)

-- Sync example
-- The query blocks the thread/script until the result is received.
local query_s = 'SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = @id' -- @id is the placeholder for the parameter id.

local params_s = {
  id = 1

local result_s = DB:query(query_s, params_s)

print('Sync result', table.unpack(result_s))

-- Example without parameters

local query_p = 'SELECT * FROM users'

local result_p = DB:query(query_p)

print('Sync result without parameters', table.unpack(result_p))

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