Important: Synced particle fx are restricted by missing methods. For example it is not possible to set the color or alpha of a synced particle fx. If you want that you have to create the particle on each client individually.
Play particle fx on position for one second looped over network
---@typeNssLibsParticleFxPlayerControllerApilocal pfx_api = exports.nss_libs:getParticleFxPlayerApi(GetCurrentResourceName())---@typeNssLibsParticleFxPlayerApilocal pfx_player = pfx_api.create()local duration_in_ms =1000-- One secondlocal interval_in_ms =100-- 10 times per second-- non-looped assetlocal asset_dictionary ='scr_crackpot'local asset_name ='scr_crackpot_tesla_fail'-- false if non-looped asset:
-- true looped asset:
local is_looped_asset =false-- Static intervalpfx_player .setAsset(asset_dictionary, asset_name, is_looped_asset) .setPosition(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) .useNetwork() .play(duration_in_ms, interval_in_ms)-- Random intervallocal random_interval = { 100, 500 } -- Random value between 100 and 500 ms each wait looppfx_player .setAsset(asset_dictionary, asset_name, is_looped_asset) .setPosition(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) .useNetwork() .play(duration_in_ms, random_interval)
--SetParticleFxNonLoopedColour--0x60B85BED6577A35B-- SET_PARTICLE_FX_NON_LOOPED_COLOURSetParticleFxNonLoopedColour( r --[[ number ]], g --[[ number ]], b --[[ number ]])--SetParticleFxLoopedColour--0x239879FC61C610CC-- SET_PARTICLE_FX_LOOPED_COLOURSetParticleFxLoopedColour( ptfxHandle --[[ integer ]], r --[[ number ]], g --[[ number ]], b --[[ number ]], p4 --[[ boolean ]])--SetParticleFxLoopedAlpha--0x88786E76234F7054-- SET_PARTICLE_FX_LOOPED_ALPHASetParticleFxLoopedAlpha( ptfxHandle --[[ integer ]], alpha --[[ number ]])--SetParticleFxNonLoopedAlpha--0xE8A35938A7026CEA-- SET_PARTICLE_FX_NON_LOOPED_ALPHASetParticleFxNonLoopedAlpha( alpha --[[ number ]])