
This component replaces all SVG images with inline SVG code. So you can use CSS to style the SVG images.

ES6 module import

For NssUiApi usage, please see the README.md of the nss_libs/ui folder.

Alternative example of direct ES6 module import:

import {NssSvgReplacer} from "nui://nss_libs/ui/NssSvgReplacer/NssSvgReplacer.js";

Setup replacer

import {NssSvgReplacer} from "nui://nss_libs/ui/NssSvgReplacer/NssSvgReplacer.js";

new NssSvgReplacer();

That's it. All existing and upcoming added SVG images will be replaced with inline SVG code.

How to use

Replace image with inline SVG

<img src="img/example.svg" alt="Example"/>


  • width and height attributes will be removed on the SVG element.

  • preserveAspectRatio="none" can be added to allow the SVG element to stretch to the viewport of the SVG element.

  • Attributes like class, style, id, data-* will be copied to the SVG element.

Add SVG to CSS mask-image

Loads the given URL (if it's SVG file) and adds it to the CSS mask-image (-webkit-mask-image) property of the element.

<div data-nss-libs-svg-replacer-image-mask="./img/dialog_bg_optimized.svg"></div>


  • preserveAspectRatio="none" will be automatically added to allow stretching via CSS.

Last updated

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