
Creates an API to send messages to a Discord channel.

How to use

Important: The Discord API is (for security reasons) only available on server side.

Simple message example

You can decide if you want to create a Discord API object based only on a webhook url (one hook + multiple players) or based on a specific player (one hook + one player).

One hook + one player

In this case an API object is created for a specific player and avatar image. This API object is used to send messages in the name of that specific player given in API object creation.

-- Creates a reusable Discord API object. In this example for the example player "John Doe".
---@type NssLibsDiscordApi
local discord_api = exports.nss_libs:getDiscordApi(
        'USERNAME_OR_PLAYER_NAME_OR_BOT_NAME', -- E.g. as example the current player name "John Doe"

-- Send a message in the name of the example player "John Doe"
discord_api.message('Cheese stinks!')


-- Send another message in the name of the example player "John Doe"
discord_api.message('Cheese still stinks!')


-- Special case for method 'message': Alternative webhook URL
-- Send another message in the name of the example player "John Doe" to a different webhook url (but the alternate 
-- webhook url is only used for this message)
discord_api.message('Player loves stinking cheese!', 'ALTERNATE_WEBHOOK_URL')

One webhook + multiple players

-- Creates a reusable Discord API object.
---@type NssLibsDiscordApi
local discord_api = exports.nss_libs:getDiscordApi(

-- Create a function to simplify sending messages
---@param username string
---@param avatar string
---@param message string
local sendMessage = function(username, avatar, message)

sendMessage('John Doe', 'https://example.com/john_doe_avatar.png', 'Cheese stinks!')


sendMessage('John Doe', 'https://example.com/john_doe_avatar.png', 'Cheese still stinks!')


sendMessage('Jack Blue', 'https://example.com/jack_blue_avatar.png', 'Cheese still!')

Alternatively you can use this code snippet (results in the same but uses request object instead of simplified message method):

-- Creates a reusable Discord API object.
---@type NssLibsDiscordApi
local discord_api = exports.nss_libs:getDiscordApi(

-- Create a function to simplify sending messages
-- This function uses the request method instead of the simplified message method. The request object is used in later 
-- examples, e.g. for embeds.
---@param username string
---@param avatar string
---@param message string
local sendMessage = function(username, avatar, message)
    local request = discord_api.create(username, avatar, message)

sendMessage('John Doe', 'https://example.com/john_doe_avatar.png', 'Cheese stinks!')


sendMessage('John Doe', 'https://example.com/john_doe_avatar.png', 'Cheese still stinks!')


sendMessage('Jack Blue', 'https://example.com/jack_blue_avatar.png', 'Cheese still!')

Example with modifiable embeds

-- Creates a reusable Discord API object. In this example for the example player "John Doe".
---@type NssLibsDiscordApi
local discord_api = exports.nss_libs:getDiscordApi(
        'USERNAME_OR_PLAYER_NAME_OR_BOT_NAME', -- E.g. as example the current player name "John Doe"

-- Creates a Discord request object for the example player "John Doe".
---@type NssLibsDiscordRequestApi
local request = discord_api.create()

-- Creates a Discord embed object
---@type NssLibsDiscordRequestEmbedApi
local embed = request.addEmbed()
embed.setTitle('Cheese stinks!')
embed.setDescription('Everyone loves you.')

-- Sends the request

Commands / Objects

exports.nss_libs:getDiscordApi(resource_name, webhook_url, username, avatar_url):NssLibsDiscordApi

  • resource_name - The name of the resource that uses the Discord API. This is used to identify the resource in the console.

  • webhook_url - The webhook url of the Discord channel.

  • username (optional) - The username of the Discord bot or the name of the player that sends the message.

  • avatar_url (optional) - The avatar url of the Discord bot or the avatar url of the player that sends the message.

Returns a Discord API object NssLibsDiscordApi.


create(username, avatar_url, message):NssLibsDiscordRequestApi

  • username (optional) - The username of the Discord bot or the name of the player that sends the message (overrides the username given in exports.nss_libs:getDiscordApi).

  • avatar_url (optional) - The avatar url of the Discord bot or the avatar url of the player that sends the message ( overrides the avatar url given in exports.nss_libs:getDiscordApi).

  • message (optional) - The message that is later shown in the default message body of the Discord message. Could be nil if you want to use embeds only.

Returns a request API object NssLibsDiscordRequestApi.

message(message, temporary_webhook_url)

  • message - The message that is shown in the default message body of the Discord message.

  • temporary_webhook_url (optional) - The webhook url of the Discord channel (overrides the webhook url given in exports.nss_libs:getDiscordApi).


  • username - The username of the Discord bot or the name of the player that sends the message.


  • avatar_url - The avatar url of the Discord bot or the avatar url of the player that sends the message.


  • webhook_url - The webhook url of the Discord channel.



  • username - The username of the Discord bot or the name of the player for that specific request.


  • avatar_url - The avatar url of the Discord bot or the avatar url of the player for that specific request.


  • message - The message that is shown in the default message body of the Discord message for that specific request.


Enables text to speech for that specific request.


Adds an embed object to the request and returns it api NssLibsDiscordRequestEmbedApi.


Sends the request.


See Discord webhook documentation for more information about the Discord message embeds.


  • title - The title of the embed.

setAuthor(name, url, icon_url)

  • name - The name of the author.

  • url (optional) - The url of the author. If name was used, it becomes a hyperlink.

  • icon_url (optional) - The icon url of the author.


  • description - The description (content) of the embed.


  • url - The url of the embed.


  • color - The color of the embed. Can be a hex color code or a decimal color code.


  • url - The url of the image.


  • url - The url of the thumbnail.

setFooter(text, icon_url)

  • text - The text of the footer.

  • icon_url (optional) - The icon url of the footer.


Sets the timestamp of the embed to the current time.

addField(name, value, inline)

  • name - The name of the field.

  • value - The value of the field.

  • inline (optional) - If the field should be inline.

Last updated

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