Server Character


-- Example name of admin group, if you do not have an admin group you can use a not used group name.
local name_of_admin_group = 'admin'

---@type NssLibsCharacterApi
character_api = exports.nss_libs:getCharacterApi(GetCurrentResourceName(), name_of_admin_group)


addMoney(_source, amount)

  • _source (integer) - The server player id of a joined player.

  • amount (float) - The amount of money to add.

Returns nothing.

local example_player_id = 99 -- The server player id of a joined player
character_api:addMoney(example_player_id, 1000)


  • character_name (string) - The full character name to search for.

Important: This method loads the data from the database and not from the VORP (or other framework) cache. In case of VORP a change of group or job will be not saved at the moment the job or group is changed.

Returns an NssLibsCharacterItem instance or nil if not found.

local full_name = 'John Doe'
local character = character_api:getCharacterByName(full_name)

if character then
    print('Character found: ' .. tostring(character.char_id) .. ' :)')
    print('Character ' .. tostring(full_name) .. ' found :(')


  • char_id (integer) - The character id to search for.

Important: This method loads the data from the database and not from the VORP (or other framework) cache. In case of VORP a change of group or job will be not saved at the moment the job or group is changed.

Returns an NssLibsCharacterItem instance or nil if not found.

local char_id = 1
local character = character_api:getCharacterByCharId(char_id)

if character then
    print('Character found: ' .. tostring(character.full_name) .. ' :)')
    print('Character ' .. tostring(char_id) .. ' found :(')


  • _source (integer) - The server player id of a joined player.

Returns an NssLibsCharacterItem instance or nil if not found.

local example_player_id = 99 -- The server player id of a joined player
local character = character_api:getCharData(example_player_id)

if character then
    print('Character found: ' .. tostring(character.full_name) .. ' :)')
    print('Character ' .. tostring(example_player_id) .. ' found :(')


  • _source (integer) - The server player id of a joined player.

Returns a string with the discord id.

local example_player_id = 99 -- The server player id of a joined player
local discord_id = character_api:getDiscordId(example_player_id)

print('Discord id: ' .. discord_id)


  • _source (integer) - The server player id of a joined player.

Returns a string with the discord profile url.

local example_player_id = 99 -- The server player id of a joined player
local discord_profile_url = character_api:getDiscordProfileUrl(example_player_id)

print('Discord profile url: ' .. discord_profile_url)


  • _source (integer) - The server player id of a joined player.

Returns a string with the fivem id.

local example_player_id = 99 -- The server player id of a joined player
local fivem_id = character_api:getFivmId(example_player_id)

print('Fivem id: ' .. fivem_id)


  • _source (integer) - The server player id of a joined player.

Returns an NssLibsCharacterIdentifiers instance.

local example_player_id = 99 -- The server player id of a joined player
local identifiers = character_api:getIdentifiers(example_player_id)

print('Steam id: ' .. identifiers.steam)
print('Discord id: ' .. identifiers.discord)


  • _source (integer) - The server player id of a joined player.

Returns a string with the ip.

local example_player_id = 99 -- The server player id of a joined player
local ip = character_api:getIp(example_player_id)

print('Ip: ' .. ip)


  • _source (integer) - The server player id of a joined player.

Returns a string with the redm character name.

local example_player_id = 99 -- The server player id of a joined player
local redm_character_name = character_api:getRedmCharacterName(example_player_id)

print('Redm character name: ' .. redm_character_name)


  • _source (integer) - The server player id of a joined player.

Returns a string with the steam id.

local example_player_id = 99 -- The server player id of a joined player
local steam_id = character_api:getSteamId(example_player_id)

print('Steam id: ' .. steam_id)


  • _source (integer) - The server player id of a joined player.

Returns a string with the steam profile url.

local example_player_id = 99 -- The server player id of a joined player
local steam_profile_url = character_api:getSteamProfileUrl(example_player_id)

print('Steam profile url: ' .. steam_profile_url)

hasMoney(_source, amount)

  • _source (integer) - The server player id of a joined player.

  • amount (float) - The amount of money to check for.

Returns a boolean if the player has the amount of money.

local example_player_id = 99 -- The server player id of a joined player
if character_api:hasMoney(example_player_id, 1.99) then
    print('Player has at least 1.99 money')

subMoney(_source, amount)

  • _source (integer) - The server player id of a joined player.

  • amount (float) - The amount of money to remove.

Returns nothing.

local example_player_id = 99 -- The server player id of a joined player
character_api:subMoney(example_player_id, 999)

addGold(_source, amount)

  • _source (integer) - The server player id of a joined player.

  • amount (float) - The amount of gold to add.

Returns nothing.

local example_player_id = 99 -- The server player id of a joined player
character_api:addGold(example_player_id, 1000.29)

hasGold(_source, amount)

  • _source (integer) - The server player id of a joined player.

  • amount (float) - The amount of gold to check for.

Returns a boolean if the player has the amount of gold.

local example_player_id = 99 -- The server player id of a joined player
if character_api:hasGold(example_player_id, 1.99) then
    print('Player has at least 1.99 gold')

subGold(_source, amount)

  • _source (integer) - The server player id of a joined player.

  • amount (float) - The amount of gold to remove.

Returns nothing.

local example_player_id = 99 -- The server player id of a joined player
character_api:subGold(example_player_id, 999.99)


Since version 0.33.0.

  • callback (function) - The function to call when the group changes.

    • source (integer) - The server player id of a joined player.

    • char_id (string) - The character id of the player.

    • new_group (string) - The new group of the player.

Returns NssLibsSharedHelperEventHandlerApi.

local event_handler = character_api:onGroupChange(function(source, char_id, new_group)
    print('Group changed for ' .. char_id .. ' to ' .. new_group)


Since version 0.33.0.

  • callback (function) - The function to call when the job changes.

    • source (integer) - The server player id of a joined player.

    • char_id (string) - The character id of the player.

    • new_job (string) - The new job of the player.

Returns NssLibsSharedHelperEventHandlerApi.

local event_handler = character_api:onJobChange(function(source, char_id, new_job)
    print('Job changed for ' .. char_id .. ' to ' .. new_job)


Since version 0.33.0.

  • callback (function) - The function to call when the job grade changes.

    • source (integer) - The server player id of a joined player.

    • char_id (string) - The character id of the player.

    • new_job_grade (integer) - The new job grade of the player.

Returns NssLibsSharedHelperEventHandlerApi.

local event_handler = character_api:onJobGradeChange(function(source, char_id, new_job_grade)
    print('Job grade changed for ' .. char_id .. ' to ' .. new_job_grade)


Since version 0.33.0.

  • char_id (integer) - The character id to search for.

Returns a string with the steam id or nil if not found.

local char_id = 205
local steam_id = character_api:getSteamIdOfChar(char_id)

if steam_id then
    print('Steam id: ' .. steam_id)
    print('Steam id not found')


Since version 0.33.0.

  • char_id (integer) - The character id to search for.

Returns a number with server player id or nil if not found.

local char_id = 205
local server_player_id = character_api:getSourceOfChar(char_id)

if server_player_id then
    print('Server player id: ' .. server_player_id)
    print('Server player id not found')




  • char_id (integer)

  • group (string)

  • job (string)

  • job_grade (integer)

  • firstname (string)

  • lastname (string)

  • full_name (string)

  • money (float)

  • is_admin (boolean)

  • server_player_id (integer, nil)



  • jobs (NssLibsCharacterJobList|NssLibsCharacterJobName[]) - The job list or job names to check for. The job names are case-sensitive.

Returns a boolean if the character has one of the jobs.

-- Simple job list
local jobs = { 'police', 'ambulance' }

if char_data:hasOneOfTheJobs(jobs) then
    print('Character has one of the jobs')
--- Job list with job grades
local jobs = {
    ["police"] = 3,
    ["ambulance"] = 2

if char_data:hasOneOfTheJobs(jobs) then
    print('Character has one of the jobs with the correct grade')


  • job (NssLibsCharacterJobName) - The job name to check for. The job name is case-sensitive.

Returns a boolean if the character has the job.

local job = 'police'

if char_data:hasJob(job) then
    print('Character has the job')


  • grade (integer) - The job grade to check for.

Returns a boolean if the character has the job grade.

local grade = 3

if char_data:hasJobGrade(grade) then
    print('Character has the job grade')


Returns a boolean if the character has a job.

if char_data:isEmployed() then
    print('Character has a job')



  • steam (string)

  • license (string)

  • xbl (string)

  • live (string)

  • discord (string)

  • fivem (string)

  • license2 (string)

  • ip (string)

Last updated

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