Server Helper

Server helper contains all methods of inherited Shared helper.

Import server helper

---@type NssLibsServerHelper
SERVER_HELPER = exports.nss_libs:getServerHelper(GetCurrentResourceName())



Returns a unique id as string.

local unique_id = SERVER_HELPER:getUniqueId()


This call is synchronous and will block the server thread until the timeout is reached.

  • callback (function) - The function to call repeatedly until the timeout is reached.

  • timeout_in_ms (integer) - The timeout in milliseconds. 0 for infinite.

  • tick_in_ms (integer) - The tick (or duration) of the loop in milliseconds. 0 each frame.

Returns the optional return value of the callback if not nil or false. Otherwise nil.

-- Executes the callback every 100ms until 1000ms are reached.
local callback = function()

local timeout_in_ms = 1000
local tick_in_ms = 100

SERVER_HELPER:doUntilTimeout(callback, timeout_in_ms, tick_in_ms)
-- Executes the callback every frame until 1000ms are reached.
local callback = function()

local timeout_in_ms = 1000
local tick_in_ms = 0

SERVER_HELPER:doUntilTimeout(callback, timeout_in_ms, tick_in_ms)
-- Executes the callback until the timeout has reached or the callback returns not `nil` or `false` 
-- (in this case the callback returns a message if the random number is 1).
local callback = function()
    print('Do the lottery...')

    -- Generate a random number between 0 and 1
    local random = math.random(0, 1)

    if random == 1 then
        return 'You win the lottery ;)'

local timeout_in_ms = 1000
local tick_in_ms = 100

local result = SERVER_HELPER:doUntilTimeout(callback, timeout_in_ms, tick_in_ms)



This call is synchronous and will block the server thread until the timeout is reached.

  • resource_name (string) - The name of the resource that has to be started.

  • timeout_in_ms (integer) - The timeout in milliseconds. 0 for infinite.

  • tick_in_ms (integer) - The tick (or duration) of the loop in milliseconds. 0 each frame.

Returns true if the resource is started otherwise false if the timeout is reached.

local resource_name = 'your_resource_name'
local timeout_in_ms = 1000
local tick_in_ms = 100

local is_started = SERVER_HELPER:waitUntilStarted(resource_name, timeout_in_ms, tick_in_ms)

if is_started then
    print('Resource is started')
    print('Resource is not started until timeout is reached :(')


This call is synchronous and will block the server thread until the timeout is reached.

  • resource_names (table) - The names of the resources that one of them has to be started first.

  • timeout_in_ms (integer) - The timeout in milliseconds. 0 for infinite.

  • tick_in_ms (integer) - The tick (or duration) of the loop in milliseconds. 0 each frame.

Returns the name of the resource that is started first otherwise false if the timeout is reached.

local resource_names = { 'your_resource_name', 'your_other_resource_name' }
local timeout_in_ms = 1000
local tick_in_ms = 100

local first_started_resource = SERVER_HELPER:waitUntilFirstStarted(resource_names, timeout_in_ms, tick_in_ms)

if first_started_resource then
    print('Resource is started first:', first_started_resource)
    print('No resource is started until timeout is reached :(')


For internal use only.

Note: This method is very complex and is used to find the correct wrapper/bridge for a framework like VORP or REDEM. But this solution is to complex and will be removed in the future.

Returns a new NssLibsWrapperFinder instance.


Returns the current timestamp derived from the system time of the server host in seconds as number (integer).

local timestamp = SERVER_HELPER:getCurrentTimestamp()


  • format (string, optional) - The format of the date string. Available placeholders are D (day), M (month), Y ( year). Default see Config.DefaultDateFormat.

Returns the current in-game date as formatted string or nilof no player is currently in-game.

local in_game_date = SERVER_HELPER:getInGameDate('Y-M-D')


Returns a table with all active player ids integer[].

local player_ids = SERVER_HELPER:getAllActivePlayerIds()
print('Active player ids:', json.encode(player_ids))


  • each_callback (function(BREAK_EACH_LOOP, server_player_id)) - The function to call for each active player.

    • BREAK_EACH_LOOP (boolean) - Constant: Return this value to break the loop.

    • server_player_id (integer) - The server player id.

Returns nothing.

-- Example shows the first 5 found player ids.
local player_counter = 0

local each_callback = function(BREAK_EACH_LOOP, server_player_id)

    player_counter = player_counter + 1

    if player_counter > 5 then
        return BREAK_EACH_LOOP

    print('Player id (below 5):', server_player_id)

-- Example walks through all found player ids.
local each_callback = function(_, server_player_id)
    print('Player id:', server_player_id)



Returns true if there are active players otherwise false.

local has_players = SERVER_HELPER:hasPlayers()

if has_players then
    print('There are active players')
    print('There are no active players')


  • date_string (string) - The date string to convert.

  • format (string, optional) - The format of the date string. Available placeholders are D (day), M (month), Y ( year). Default see Config.DefaultDateFormat.

Returns the timestamp derived from the date string in seconds as number (integer).

local date_string = '2021-12-24'
local format = 'Y-M-D'

local timestamp = SERVER_HELPER:dateToTimestamp(date_string, format)


  • format (string, optional) - The format of the date string. Available placeholders are D (day), M (month), Y ( year). Default see Config.DefaultDateFormat.

Returns the current in-game date as timestamp in seconds as number (integer) or nil if no player is currently in-game.

local in_game_date_timestamp = SERVER_HELPER:getInGameDateTimestamp('Y-M-D')


Important: If the related resource is stopped, the event will be removed automatically.

  • event_name (string) - The name of the event.

  • callback (function) - The function to call when the event is triggered.

    • If the callback returns false other additional callbacks registered after this callback will not be called.

  • resource_name (string) - The name of the resource that is listening to the event.

  • on_destroy_callback (function, optional) - Called before the event handler is destroyed. If the callback returns false the event handler will not be destroyed.

Returns a NssLibsSharedHelperEventHandlerApi instance.

local event_name = 'your_event_name'
local resource_name = GetCurrentResourceName()

local callback = function(...)
    print('Event ' .. tostring(event_name) .. ' for ' .. tostring(resource_name) .. 'is triggered:', ...)

---@type NssLibsSharedHelperEventHandlerApi
local event_handler_item = SERVER_HELPER:addEventHandler(event_name, callback, resource_name)

TriggerEvent('your_event_name', 'Hello World')
-- Output: "Event your_event_name for your_resource_name is triggered: Hello World"

TriggerEvent('your_event_name', 'Hello World 2')
-- Output: No output because the event handler is disabled

TriggerEvent('your_event_name', 'Hello World 3')
-- Output: No output because the event handler is destroyed


  • resource_name (string) - The name or filepath of the resource that requires the files.

  • filenames (string | string[]) - The name of the file or a list of file names to require.

  • additional_error_message (string, optional) - Additional error message which replaces the default error message.

  • silent (boolean, optional) - If true no error message will be printed by this method itself.

Returns true if all files are required otherwise false.

local resource_name = GetCurrentResourceName()
local filenames = { 'your_file_name.txt', 'folder/your_other_file_name.txt' }

local all_files_found = SERVER_HELPER:requireFiles(resource_name, filenames)

if all_files_found then
    print('All required files found :)')
    print('Not all required files could be found :(')

Last updated