This module let you de-/attach props to an entity (player). If the player drops the attached props will be deleted.
How to use
Listen clients from the server.
-- Gets the attach-prop api.---@typeNssLibsAttachPropClientApiattach_prop_api = exports.nss_libs:getAttachPropClientApi(GetCurrentResourceName())-- You can clear all attached props before you attach new ones, see the following methods:attach_prop_api.detachOnlyAllKnown() -- Detaches all known props (attached via this api before, not awaitable).attach_prop_api.detachOnlyAllScenario() -- Detaches all possible scenario props.attach_prop_api.detachAll() -- Detaches all props known and possible scenario props.-- If you want to await the detach process is finished on all affected clients then you can use the following methods:attach_prop_api.awaitAttachOnlyAllScenario()attach_prop_api.awaitAttachAll() -- This is useful if you want to ensure the detach process is finished before you attach the new prop.-- The timeout is currently 250 milliseconds so if the process is not finished after this time the promise will be rejected.-- Gather data to create a prop.local prop_model_name ='p_axe02x'local pos = { x =0.12, y =-0.5, z =-0.3 }local rot = { x =62.0, y =0, z =180.0 }local bone_id =6286-- See for available bones (consider male/female!)-- Create the prop (not visible at this state!)local prop = attach_prop_api.create( prop_model_name, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, rot.x, rot.y, rot.z, bone_id)-- Example to check if the prop is attached.Citizen.CreateThread(function()whiletruedoif prop.isAttached() thenprint('Prop is attached!')elseprint('Prop is not attached!')end Citizen.Wait(1000)endend)-- Attach the prop to the player (visible now!)prop.attach()-- Wait for demonstration purpose.Citizen.Wait(5000)-- Detach the prop from the player (not visible now!)prop.detach()
Things to know
If a resource stops the owned props will be deleted automatically.
If the nss_libs stops all props created with this module will be deleted automatically.
If the player drops the props will be deleted automatically (on all clients).
If the player dies the previously attached props will be deleted automatically (on all clients).